Sunday, 28 June 2015

Ardhanariswara Stotra Lyrics in English Script

 Ardhanariswara stotra Sumanjali in English script

Ardhanariswara imageArdhanariswara stotra belong to Lord Shiva and his beloved wife Parvathi  - Lord Shiva who has his Devi Shakti also as exact half of his body.Though Shiva is illustrated  mostly as the fearsome God with Trishula and the third eye, though he is depicted as the lord of destruction, Ardhanriswara concept shows how the lord of destruction is also the lord of love and affection.The concept of Ardhanariswara shows us that man and woman union is the one which produces life in this world. There is a bit of male in woman and a bit of female in the man. When both come together, life gets created. Without the female Shakthi, the male Shiva does not do anything. It remains as it is. The power of Shiva starts working only in the presence of, in the union of Shakthi. In Indian culture we find this concept how equal man and woman are equal.

Arthanariswara stotra lyrics

Champeya Gaurardha Sharirakayai
Karpura Gaurardha Sharirakaya |
Dhammillakayai Cha Jatadharaya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |1|

Kasturika Kumkuma Charchitayai
Chitaarajahpunja Vicharchitaya |
Krutasmarayai Vikrutasmaraya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |2|

Jhanat Kvanat kankana Nupurayai
Padabja Rajat Phani Nupuraya |
Hemaamgadayai Bhujagangadaaya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |3|

Vishalanilot Palalochanayai
Vikasipankeru Halochanaya |
Samekshanayai Vishamekshanaya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |4|

Mandara Maala Kalitaalakayai
Kapaalamalan Kitakandharaya |
Divyambarayai Cha Digambaraaya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |5|

Ambhodhara Syamala Kuntalayai
Tatit Prabha Taamra Jatadharaya
Nirishvarayai Nikhileshwaraya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |6|

Prapancha Srishtyun Mukhalaasyakayai
Samasta Samhaaraka Tandavaya |
Jagat Jjananyai Jagadekapitre
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya 7

Pradipta Ratnojjvala Kundalayai
Sphuran Mahapannaga Bhushanaya |
Sivanvitayai Cha Sivanvitaya
Namah Sivaayai Cha Namah Sivaaya |8|

Etatpathed Ashtakam Ishtadam Yo
 Bhaktya Sa Manyo Bhuvi Dirghajivi
Prapnoti Saubhagya Manantakalam
Bhuyat Sada Tasya Samasta Siddih

| Iti Shri Shankara Bhagavatpada Virachitam Ardhanarishwarastotram |


  1. I am disappointed - my search was to get this in English

  2. not in hindi with arabian letters

  3. I read this daily
    Im satisfied thankyou 😊😊😊
